The Great One has decided. Passenger cars and light trucks will be required to get 39mpg and 30 mpg, respectively. In order for vehicles to be this efficient, they will have to be much smaller and lighter than we see today. The new standards are going to cost car companies billions of dollars, which of course will be passed on to the consumer (Isn't that a GREAT idea? Forcing companies to start spending billions and then forcing consumers to spend more during an economic recession? Sure, by 2016 we might be out...but we might not. And what happens now affects what happens then.).
What bothers me the most is that these new cars are NOT safe. 115 people die every day in car accidents in the United States [citation]. I predict that number will increase significantly once everyone's driving so-called smart cars, and I love how these liberal wackos are so interested in putting the environment before safety. (Speaking of the environment, I actually think it's ignorant for people to think that they can stop climate change. I don't buy that it's man-made. We are not that significant. How do these people think the ice age ended?) If I was starting a family, I would NOT want to buy some cheap, flimsy vehicle to carry my most precious cargo. I guess big brother's not going to let me have a choice in the matter.
But isn't that what it's all about? Limiting our choices? Controlling us? It starts with one thing - fluorescent light bulbs - and then it becomes unstoppable.
RFK Jr. interviewed at Steak and Shake on Hannity - Video
HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses the importance of the 'Making
America Healthy Again' initiative on 'Hannity.'
25 minutes ago
The statists' appetite for power will never be satisfied. They don't care about the environment, they care about power.
This is just another form of control, bailout has great power.
One or two child policy next.
Adam, that'll be coming in the form of tax breaks. They'll say, after more than 2 kids, no more tax breaks.
This Statist solution, given circumstances in the car industry in the US is laughable - it is so absurd that it is hard to believe that they would push for this at this time. What we need is a relaxing of regulations on the carmakers. It's almost as if the Obamanation wants Rome to burn, in the ultimate power grab....
Obama = Nero.
"It starts with one thing - fluorescent light bulbs - and then it becomes unstoppable."
Great line, because this is indeed exactly what happens. The left is choking off individual liberties bit by bit, one degree after another. It's a matter of death by asphyxiation as opposed to getting shot or stabbed.
You're right about the tax for child limits, it's how the Chinese do things.
Linked you up to the Small Blog Roundup: Saturday, May 23rd, 2009.
What is so wrong about making cars use fuel more effciently? Fewer fill ups makes a small dent in demand, which brings down the price. We also require less oil if we are not using as much of it. Whether or not you believe in global warming, it is absurb to think we do not have an impact on the environment. Acid rain was not liberal hippy spin, it is real. Smog is real. The poor water quality because of new jeresy factories is real. Abstestos is real. If for any reason which should tighten up enforcement of environmental standards, its because we do indeed pollute. There is no denying that we have negatively affected many an ecosystem, and drove species to extinction. That is concreate fact.
Also, the Ford Fusion Hyrbid looks just like aother ford cars, yet it gets amazing mileage. The law forces comapnies to innovate... demand for big cars exist, so how do we make big cars that can travel 600 miles on a single tank? We innovate. It creates new industries built towards makign technology that matches fuel standards to demands. The GOP's failure to ever think in the long term is te singlemost trait that will lead to their downfall...
Did I say there was anything wrong with making cars use fuel more efficiently? I said there's something wrong with the government forcing its hand in the process. If the demand for fuel efficient cars goes up, it goes up. If you want to put your family in a plastic shoebox, go ahead. I, on the other hand, will opt for something much safer.
I know we have an impact on the environment. But what do cars have to do with the poor water quality in NJ? Or asbestos?
Government does not force innovation. Demand does. Priuses came out before the government had a say. And in case you haven't noticed, companies have been working on making corn powered cars, solar power cars, water powered cars. They have yet to succeed.
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