The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force is suggesting that women in their 40s not get mammograms for early detection of breast cancer. It found that mammograms for women in their 40s do save lives - just not enough for the practice to be considered "routine." (Note: the task force is made up of 16 "health care experts," none of whom are oncologists.)
This new recommendation has people worried that insurance companies will drop mammogram coverage, thus discouraging women to not have the test done.
I can hear it now: "The evil insurance companies wouldn't cover mammograms. Then women found out they had breast cancer and ended up with thousands in medical debt with an insurance company unwilling to help..."
All I could think when I was watching a segment on the news about this was, "Is this what nationalized health care looks like?" A government panel with unqualified (for this topic, at least) members is preaching from its high horse that women should think before getting mammograms. If we have nationalized health care, the preaching will turn into mandating.
Polish MEP Dominik Tarczyński Tells The Astoundingly Useless EU Parliament,
"'Islamists are the biggest threat to the world, I will fight these sick
animals until the final victory, God help me!"
The European Parliament was stunned after a powerful speech by Polish MEP
Dominik Tarczyński, who made a strong statement against Islamic terrorism.
4 hours ago